How to make a power bank with used laptop battery?
In this tutorial I will show you, how to harvest the 18650 battery from any of the old laptop battery pack you might have. Most of the time, laptop battery packs go bad when just one or few cells in the pack are dead. The protection circuit in the charging board cuts out the entire pack as a necessary protective measure for the user. There are still a few good cells though.At last I will show you how you can make a power bank by reusing these salvaged batteries.
Disclaimer: Please note that you are taking apart battery packs in this tutorial which is expressly discouraged by the manufacturer as this is potentially a very hazardous process. I cannot be held responsible for any loss of property, damage, or loss of life if it comes to that. This tutorial was written for those who have knowledge on rechargeable lithium ion technology.Please do not attempt this if you are novice. Stay Safe.

Old Laptop Battery:
If you do not have,you can ask to your friend or relatives.
You can also find it from any computer repairing stores.
Power Bank Case:
You can buy it from eBay.
Tools :
You needs only few basic tools for disassemble the battery pack
Safety Equipments :
1. Gloves
2. Goggles
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