Best app to take your selfie pictures?

Hi, I am Allen. I do not like take selfie pictures buti think i can give some suggestion for cool photo editing apps that suitable for iPhone photographers.
Sometimes there is a problem with the composition, but the picture is smaller and you are forced to erase the scene that you might like by cropping and rotating the photo. Then you should try the deformation tool of Snapseed, we can use vertical mode, horizontal mode or rotation mode after into the deformation process to adjust the 3D stereo perspective of the photo, such as change the original look directly of photography to the angle from the top-down shooting.
We can set the brightness, exposure, color temperature, saturation and other different brush in the brush tool, and then brush the photo by your finger to smear any small place on the photo, you can change the effect of the place alone as if you were painting in every detail on the picture.
You do not need brighten or color a whole photo by using brush , but as long as we need to modify the local scope of which we need, it’s intuitive and simple.
Open VSCO, you can import photos from the smart phone album or take a photo directly. You can go to the VSCO Grid to see other people’s seductive photos, of course you can also search for known photographers. You need to register an account at first if you want to interact with the official website.
VSCO probably is the app which has most photographic effects of the film, you must try to feel proud of the filter which is the most characteristic, perhaps layman after used even would change the view of photography. After VSCO Cam update 10 filters, a variety of styles you can try. Many people have paid for its filters, and I suggest that new users can play free filters at the beginning, its ubiquitous film tones and charming texture will conquer you.
Lens Distortions
You may have seen a lot of various types of color apps, and you are tired of a simple color conversion. Lens Distortions’s details of the modification and effects such as halo, smoke and other stunning styles which instantly make their own photos have superb texture. This photography app specifically for the photo to add special effects which bring you some freshness. You can make photos full of artistic conception by simple operation.



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